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The Journal of Knowledge Structures & Systems (JKSS) aims at being a quarterly open access, peer-reviewed outlet for multi- and interdisciplinary work on (applied) knowledge science / studies. It accepts submissions in topics as diverse as medical expert systems and Marxist epistemology, as long as they fit into one or more of the following main areas:


Knowledge representation and reasoning

Knowledge engineering

Knowledge management

Knowledge & cognition

Knowledge & computing

Epistemological studies


One of the main objectives of such a broad scope is to provide a meeting point for the several knowledge communities. There have always been interactions among these communities (for instance, the interface between knowledge engineering and knowledge management), and JKSS aims at both strengthening them and motivating new ones. 


In fact, we see it as our mission to provide the first—that we know of—platform bringing together (if not unifying) the work of both knowledge theorists and practitioners (analysts, engineers, scientists, …). As such, we will not be limited to the publication of technical or scientific papers in JKSS, but want to extend our role to the discussion of pertinent questions concerning knowledge itself and its associated practices in business and in the industry, or in society at large. With this in view, our platform is extended by the Big Questions and Knowledge Practices series, respectively.


Our focus is on real-world applications, especially in business and/or industrial settings—not to mention society in general—but we acknowledge the importance of theory and welcome theoretical work that elaborates minimally on its (potential) applications or real-world implications. We accept also a broad range of papers in English, from review and discussion papers to short communications.


JKSS’ publication model is to expand an issue from a core of 2-3 original-research / review articles with commentary and other shorter articles with real-time scientific debate in view. For this end, both the reviewers and authors cited in the core articles are invited to complete (reviewer) commentary articles in which they may write about their own work and even express criticism with relation to the target articles. The core articles are published in the first day(s) of a given month and the invited authors are given up to 75 days to complete their commentaries, so as to allow for timely publication in the same issue. For this reason, it takes three months to publish a single issue.



© 2023 Luis M. Augusto

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