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Volume 3   Issue 1    Jan./March 2022

Categories and Foundational Ontology: A Medieval Tutorial

Original Research Article by Luis M. Augusto. ..............................................................     1-56


The Birth of Ontology

Review Article by Barry Smith. .......................................................................................   57-66


Foundational Ontologies: From Theory to Practice and Back

Commentary on Augusto (this issue) by C. Maria Keet and Zubeida Khan. ..................   67-71


The Birth of Ontology and the Directed Acyclic Graph

Commentary on Smith (this issue) by Jobst Landgrebe. ................................................  72-75


On the Adequacy of Requirements for Foundational Ontologies

Commentary on Augusto (this issue) by Giancarlo Guizzardi and Riccardo Baratella. ..  76-81





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